Josie & Shawn’s engagement session may be one of my favorites thus far! These two live in Brooklyn and we met up one afternoon in Redhook to catch up over coffee before jumping into their session. I say catch up because the three of us actually went to high school together but have not really seen each other since. It was so wonderful to reminisce about high school and hear all about their journey together and the incredible people they have become. Josie and Shawn both work with community gardens/farms within the city to help improve the food quality and environment and thus in turn, improve quality of life for the community(super brief description) – how amazing and admirable is that? These two are so much fun to be around and I loved seeing how happy they make each other. Living in New York, they both travel around by bike often and sometimes even ride home together on one bike (adorable) so I love that they decided to incorporate their bikes into the session. Hope you all enjoy some of my favorites (some film images are included throughout)!

Ashley Relvas Photography
Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer - Virginia, Maryland, & Destinations Worldwide
These are ALL kinds of adorable. So much sweetness. Love <3
These are some of the sweetest photos I’ve seen. The love flows right out of the images. I feel so lucky to have played a part in their lives. And so much lies ahead!