As a photographer, when you show up to a family session and meet people for the first time, you aren’t always sure what to expect. Don’t get me wrong, I always expect to love the people and have a wonderful time because obviously we have gotten to know each other somewhat through phone calls and emails ahead of time, but you have not always had the chance to meet them beforehand. I was in for SUCH a treat when I met these three for the first time at their DC apartment. As I arrived, Liz said something like, “so I found this amazing Vera Wang wedding gown at goodwill for $30 so I bought it – do you think we could use it for a few of the photos?” Umm yes, please! I absolutely love how adorable these three are together, their incredibly fun style, and just how happy sweet Cecilia is. We were able to make this session happen just before they were about to move back to South Dakota and I am so glad we were able to capture them in Cecilia’s first home and neighborhood.

Ashley Relvas Photography
Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer - Virginia, Maryland, & Destinations Worldwide
so fun and beautiful!!